We had an awesome day with sightings of Blue whales, Fin whales, Common and Bottlenose dolphins! During our morning trip, we set out to the west and traveled about 11-miles from shore! At least 5 Blue whales and 1 Fin whale were circling the area in about 2000-ft of water! At one point, we were completely surrounded by spouts! We cruised in and spotted a Blue whale at the drop-off and it waved goodbye by lifting its flukes behind us! We observed about 100 Long-beaked Common dolphins feeding under diving birds to the south of us! We also spotted a Mola mola on the way too!
On our afternoon tour, we set out to the west and spotted than single Blue whale traveling along the drop-off to the north. At first it seemed to be in travel mode, but then stopped to circle the area. Must have found a nice krill patch down below! We had a small pod of ~20 Offshore bottlenose dolphins hanging out on the drop-off too! There were a few cow/calf pairs. We wished the Blue whale bon appetit and continued to the north. We found a pod of ~150 Long-beaked Common dolphins headed north. We caught up with some that loved surf our wake! We had them on both sides of the boat and at the bow! The sea conditions were so calm and we had great visibility so come on out!
On our sunset trip, we encountered ~650 long-beaked common dolphins! It was a fairly scattered pod about 2-3 miles long! Then, we encountered 7 Blue whales about 12 miles offshore! If you’re ever feeling blue, just channel your inner whale and come join us for another amazing trip on our beautiful Pacific Ocean.
Vanessa & Melissa