It was an action packed day to say the least! Every single trip saw SOMETHING special! We love that about the ocean, nothing is ever guaranted and always a surprise! We started our morning out with a small pod of long beaked common dolphins that slowly built into a massive feeding frenzy! A juvenile humpback whale was following not far behind! This little tyke didn’t let their size get in the way of stealing the show! This whale was tail throwing like no tomorrow! A small whale is still a BIG animal, those splashes were probably 30 ft high! We got tons of good looks before we had to head in!
The whales progressed as the day did and we saw everything from our first trip on our second trip! With a bit more light in the sky and a little more time to play with we charged out west! We were expecting to find A whale not 6 BLUE WHALES! They’ve all decided to take a Mexican vacation we ran ALL THE WAY DOWN to the Mexican border today but we do what we gotta do to get you all the whales! The whales were pretty tightly grouped together and kept popping up so close all around our boat! Close enough to feel the shuttering of the air around us as that 200 mph breath escaped the blue whale next to our boat.
We knew exactly where to go to find the blue whale gold mine on our sunset trip so we made a run for it knowing we were tight on time! Thank goodness for the flat glassy sea conditions, they allowed us to get to the zone in time to get some AMAZING looks at this group of blue whales! We got to see a precious cow calf pair of blues, Mom even fluked right in front of one of the navy war ships off of our coast.
It was a brilliant day on the water!
Get out here while the getting is good!
Naturalist, Aliso