THREE species of dolphins on our morning trip! We started our morning right out of the jetty with a beautiful pod of Long-Beaked common dolphins on the hunt for their breakfast. Fast speeds, tail flicks, white bellies on the surface- all signs that yummy fish were being eaten! We made our way out west to the drop off in search of any baleen whales. Then some 300-400 Short-Beaked common dolphins stole the show… flying to high heights, body slams onto the surface, tail slaps, and curious drive bys. We spent quite some time admiring all their fun behaviors. As we made our way back to the coast, we were quickly greeted by 5-7 offshore Bottlenose dolphins! They were shy but always a pleasure seeing these larger dolphins in deep water!
Our afternoon trip was so beautiful! We had wonderful sea conditions! The visibility was amazing! We cruised out to the west and hung out with an active pod of ~200 Short-beaked Common dolphins! They were launching out of the water non-stop! We continued oir journey out to the west and got to 12-miles from shore! As we were making it back in we found another huge pod of ~400 shorties! They were flying sky-high!!
We have another trip to go! Hope to sea ya soon!
Dolphriends galore on our sunset trip! We travelled all the way towards the west end of the 9-mile bank, about ~13 miles offshore from Mission Bay! We encountered two separate pods of short-beaked common dolphins. Our first pod consisted of ~250 shorties, our second pod was a bit smaller with ~150 short-beaked common dolphins. These shawties were leaping out of the water, jumping so high they looked like they were flying! We even had an evening glass-off, sea conditions were so perfect! Always a fun time on the water! Please join us for some salty summer fun!
Brooke, Vanessa & Melissa