After a day of orcas we usually expect empty seas but TODAY WAS NOT THAT DAY! We had an ocean TEAMING with THOUSANDS of long beaked common dolphins and THREE humpback whales.
We had plenty of time to hang out with all of the sea life today, the dolphins escorted us all the way out to a whale, and hung around with us as we observed the humpback feeding. After a long while, we knew we had to head back to shore to get back to the docks on time. Right before we reentered the jetties we encountered TWO bonus humpback that we were able to stick with for a few surface intervals. There was such a feeding frenzy out there that it felt like we were in some National Geographic documentary episode.

( P.S. The last time these orcas came to town – they went north to Newport before circling back down here a week later so, they could be here ANY DAY.)

Our sunset trip was absolutely beautiful! We began our journey to the west, when a passenger yelled out SPOUT! We stopped the boat and searched all around. We sighted a very small wispy spout that appeared to be a snorkeling whale headed south only a mile from shore. We thought it was a juvenile Gray whale at first, but a juvenile Humpback whale popped up nearby! It had a taller spout and was coming up and lifting its flukes almost every time! We had a surprise close-up encounter too! It popped up next to our boat and all passengers were stoked! We enjoyed the amazing sunset which was the cherry on top!

Naturalists, Alison & Vanessa