We were rocking’ and rollin’ on the open sea today! But we had great visibility all day! We spotted 2 surfing inshore bottlenose dolphins on our way out of the morning trip. We continued to the drop-off and found an awesome pod of ~300 Long-beaked Common dolphins....
Thursday, June 6, 2024 We had some Blue-tiful whales on both trips today! On the morning tour, as soon as we left the Mission Bay jetties, we sighted a huge pod of ~200 Long-beaked Common dolphins feeding under diving birds! You could see the small schooling fish...
Oh what a whale of a time we had on the water today! We found the FINest FIN whales around 8 miles offshore. At first, we sighted a spout from a Fin whale which brought us to the general area where we encountered 2 more Fin whales for a total of 3 Fin whales during...