by [email protected] | Dec 20, 2023 | Dolphins, Gray Whales, Recent Sightings
Happy hump day! Today’s grey skies matched our friendly Grey whale friends! The ocean was a bit quiet for most of our morning trip. We headed out west and then southbound towards the 9-mile bank. We thought all of the cetaceans were taking a day off today, but just in...
by [email protected] | Dec 19, 2023 | Dolphins, Orcas, Recent Sightings
KILLER SEA PANDAS! WE FOUND THEM AGAIN!Orcas are a very elusive species here in San Diego so, to find them multiple days in a row is just such a treat! We caught up with a small pod of four Orcas ( Killer Whales) today just off Torrey Pines coastline! They were a bit...
by [email protected] | Dec 17, 2023 | Dolphins, Gray Whales, Recent Sightings, Whale Watching Blog
The early boat gets the whale! Wait… that’s not how that goes!We did get the whale and all the dolphins this morning!Dolphins right out of the gate and dappled through our entire trip! We hung out with our friendly lil grey whale that’s been chilling just off the...
by [email protected] | Dec 15, 2023 | Dolphins, Gray Whales, Recent Sightings
Sunshine, glassy seas, and Cetaceans! We left the Mission Bay jetties and spotted huge aggregations of birds only a couple miles from shore! They were feeding alongside Long-beaked Common dolphins! The dolphins raced up to us and bow-rode the Privateer. We followed...
by [email protected] | Dec 10, 2023 | Dolphins
Join our Dolphin Watching Adventure at Point Loma! Santa Ana Winds brought us some wonderful visibility today! We headed south to avoid the navy fleet that was offshore to the north. We made it down past Point Loma and pretty close to the Coronado Islands where we...
by [email protected] | Dec 8, 2023 | Dolphins, Humpback Whales, Recent Sightings
We were blessed with sunny skies and clear blue water today! There was a bit of swell out there on the ocean, however, that did not deter us from finding whale friends and dolphriends! We headed out west and then travelled north along the drop-off, on our way back to...