Can you clean a dolphin with all porpoise cleaner? We recommend fabuloso for our fabulous dolphriends! Today, we had our first sighting of the season of Lagenorhynchus obliquidens, also known as LAGS or Pacific-white sided dolphins! We found ~20 LAGs, just off of...
After a day of orcas we usually expect empty seas but TODAY WAS NOT THAT DAY! We had an ocean TEAMING with THOUSANDS of long beaked common dolphins and THREE humpback whales.We had plenty of time to hang out with all of the sea life today, the dolphins escorted us all...
We had a Killer time on the afternoon trip! It was ORCAmazing! We got word from our friends at Gone Whale Watching that there were Orcas in San Diego! We zoomed out to the west as fast as we could and got out to 15-miles from shore, literally the farthest we can go on...
We’re back in action! HUNDREDS of common dolphins surrounding a juvenile humpback whale this morning!We raced out past the drop of in search of anything life, it took some extra searching this morning. Thousands of seabirds were our first hint that we were on the...
We had an amazing Sunset Whale Watch this evening! We were greeted to the Pacific Ocean by 2 Inshroe bottlenose dolphins! They rode the bow as we head out to the west. We saw many species of birds to include shearwaters, California brown pelicans, and Common Loons! We...
Every trip on the Pacific Ocean feels magical. However, today’s trip felt like an absolute dream! We headed out west and quickly encountered a spout from a humpback whale located within ~2 miles from shore. We hung out with the humpback whale for a few breath cycles....