WHALE-come to the dolphin party! We saw so many different species of dolphins today! It is a lesser-known fact that dolphins are actually whales! Dolphins are part of the toothed whale category of whales under the order Cetacea. All toothed whales have one blowhole...
Back to dolphin mania again today! Both of our morning trips ran into large pods of dolphins! We found the same pod of bottlenose from yesterday first thing this morning, we recognized some individuals by the strange birthmark/ scaring(?) underneath their beak. This...
The Pacific down here in San Diego is full of life! We found so many dolphins and feeding frenzies on our tours today! We found all three of our most frequent species of dolphin. On our morning trip we found an amazing pod of offshore bottlenose that numbered about...
We sighted a HUMPBACK WHALE & COMMON DOLPHIN! On our morning tour, we spent time with at least 4 different pods of Common dolphins! Our first pod was big pod of ~200 Short-beaked Common dolphin. They were slowly traveling to the NW. Once we caught up with them,...
We had a Thrilling Thursday with hundreds of dolphins seen on both tours! This morning, we cruised out to the west and spotted a huge pod of ~200 Short-beaked Common dolphins following the contour of the drop-off! They surrounded our boat and we watched as they surfed...
The big blues have moved a bit offshore but as one species moves out another moves in! We haven’t seen this many dolphins in a LONG time. We see dolphins often out here but in truely large numbers it is a bit more rare.Seems like the krill has all been gobbled up by...