The Pacific ocean is teaming with life!
We started our afternoon with a spunky pod of short beaked common dolphins, they were super playful! We saw so many babies and a few breaching over and over again! On the way back in from the drop off – Captain Bryan spotted a juvenile fin whale, is was just relaxing on the surface so we got a really good look! Just before getting back to mission bay we for a huge bail ball of surface krill! We never see this in San Diego so, this was super exciting! It also means we have blue whale food in town, always good news when the giants have reason to come and feast!
Our sunset trip has beautiful conditions and a moody sky, we went all the way up too the beautiful cliffs of La Jolla and found AT LEAST 6 more fin whales in the area!
We hope this is just the start to a phenomenal holiday weekend of whale watching!