June 11, 2023
The pacific ocean remains a blue whale utopia!
We headed out on our morning tour thinking that a heavy fog bank was going to ruin our chances of finding any life out there today!
Boy were we wrong, and positively thrilled to be so .
We broke through a few mile thick fog bank and absolutely found a utopia of blue whales! Not only that, the skies opened up and let some warm sunlight down on us so we could really get the full “Blue whale glow” experience! We were positively surrounded today! We even had one ENORMOUS blue whale pop up right in front of our bow as we were sitting with our engines off waiting for the whales to resurface. Our second trip was no less incredible – the fog bank moved closer to land so – we weren’t fighting visibility at all. We headed straight back to the same utopia and this time we spent the ENTIRE TRIP surrounded by hundreds of common dolphins and blue whales! The dolphins were surfing our wake, riding the bow and generally just putting on a magical display; coaxing laughs and shrikes of joy out of everyone aboard. The blue whales were so abundant we didn’t even know where to look!
Put simply – GET OUT HERE! There’s no better place to be than on the pacific in the summer time!