Experience our Short-Beaked Common Dolphin Encounter near Mission Bay!

The Common dolphins were amazing today! We caught up with about 100 Short-beaked Common dolphins near the 9-mile bank! We were about 10miles from the Mission Bay jetties and spotted some big splashes in front of us! As soon as they noticed us, a handful raced over with great speed! They began to bow-ride the Privateer while some surfed in our wake. Many of them launched out of the water and breached! We saw a few cow/calf pairs around us too! The seas were smooth with very little wind, making for some dreamy, glassy waters! We could see for miles, down to Mexico and up to Carlsbad! On our way back into the jetties, we spotted about 7-10 Inshore Bottlenose dolphins that were surfing the big waves!

Hope to sea you on the next one!
