Monday, May 27, 2024
The fun never stops on the Privateer! 🐳 We had two wonderful trips so far, one more sunset trip to go! On our morning trip, we encountered a pod of ~500 long-beaked common dolphins! At first we thought it was a much smaller pod however, after we continued traveling out west we noticed that it was a very wide spread and massive pod of LB common dolphins! Then, once we reached the drop-off we spotted a spout, which quickly turned into multiple spouts! We hung out with ~7 BLUE WHALES! We love seeing our summer whale friends eating well and enjoying their natural marine habitat. One of the blue whales actually pooped right next to the boat. We also saw a Yellow-crowned night heron, a very rare sight for us here in San Diego!

Our afternoon trip was also action packed! Our porpoise here at San Diego whale watch is to show appreciation for our amazing marine wildlife and find whales! We found not one but at least 4 BLUE WHALES! We got some amazing looks at these brilliant blue whales. Then once we were turning back to Mission Bay, we encountered a pod of ~100 long-beaked common dolphins! Please stay tuned for more updates from our next trip!
