It was a Wacky Whale Wednesday!
We had two awesome trips with tons of wildlife pretty much everywhere we went! On the morning trip, we continued out to the west and spotted a big spout! We ended up hanging out with a Blue whale that was circling around at the drop-off! We got great looks at its tail flukes! Every time it went down for a sounding dive, it lifted its flukes. We continued to the south and we found a pod of Long-beaked Common dolphins feeding under diving birds. We got great looks at a lot of little babies! We found 5 Mola mola’s on our excursion and on one occasion we had clear, glassy waters that made viewing them so easy! There were a lot of salp’s, gelatinous sea-squirts that we think they feeding on near the surface.
On our afternoon trip, we set out to the SW and hung out with a pod of ~100 Long-beaked Common dolphins that were feeding on small schoooling fish. One of the Common dolphins was leucistic! We noticed it had white splotches all over its body. They continued to the west so we moved up to the north. We caught up with the same Blue whale still cruising around out there. It’s a BIG Blue whale! We think it was about ~85-ft long! The Blue whale even surprised us by surfacing pretty close to us once! We sighted some big splashes to the west and attempted to catch up but instead we ended up finding a couple of Mola mola, and a small pod of ~15 Offshore bottlenose dolphins. There was a teeny lil’ calf that had fetal folds still visible!
The conditions were perfect! We can’t wait to show you what the Pacific has to offer! Come on out soon!