With June rolling in it seems like summer is already here! We were blessed with blue skies and some much needed warmth. Some summer favorites have finally returned to our waters, we’ve had such vibrant pods of dolphins EVERYWHERE! We had both long beaked and short beaked common dolphins today. The long beaked common dolphins were PLOWING south east toward Mexico chasing bait fish with a huge flock of terns that were squeaking up a STORM. These birds always sound like a cacoughany of dog squeaky toys infiltrating the sky. We were able to lock in on a squirrels blue whale up to the north on our morning trip, it was hanging close to shore but turn out west as we headed for home. Our second trip was full of dolphins from beginning to end! The long beaks were absolutely the pinnacle though. They almost look like popcorn being fried in a pan – the dolphins flying out of the water and creating HUGE splashes on their decent. It’s hard not to just laugh at their antics, they’re just goofing non-stop!

Can’t wait to get back out there tomorrow and see what there is to find!

Alison, Vanessa & Cody