Why do dolphins always get along? because they click! πŸ™‚
We saw a pod of ~10 offshore bottlenose dolphins! They were coming up super close to the boat. Offshore bottlenose dolphins are typically darker in colouration compared to inshore bottlenose dolphins we can see closer to shore! We also saw about ~250 long-beaked common dolphriends. They were leaping out of the water and having such a fun time next to the Privateer. We have another trip coming up so please stay tuned.
Really can’t get enough of the blue sky afternoons out here recently! We headed straight out west to the drop off and immediately found not just one but two blue whales! We were able to hang out with one of these whales for a long time it was swimming in tight circles and going on split dives every other dive. Because of these tight circle shaped dive patterns, the whale swim straight at us multiple times! We got up close looks at its head with all of the little water rivets sheeting off. The real star of the show was the sapphire blue glow that the clear skies allowed us to see. A gargantuan, sapphire light emerging from the depths just next to our boat! After sometime spent to admiring this whale, we headed off to go find some dolphins. We found the most exuberant pod of Bott nose dolphins. They were jumping out of the water and tossing with each other you could see them through the crystal clear blue water, ramming each other left and right, playfully as they jumped through the waves.

Melissa & Alison