What do dolphins do at a party? -They have a whale of a time!
We found three species of toothed whales today!
On today’s morning trip, we found ~100 long-beaked common dolphins right outside of Mission Beach jetty! Then, around ~10 miles offshore we encountered a massive pod of ~350 short-beaked common dolphins. They were leaping out of the water and having fun riding our bow and surfing in our wake! Then, we travelled south along the drop-off and encountered another pod of dolphriends! However, this time we encountered a FINtastic pod of ~25 offshore bottlenose dolphins!
Our afternoon trip was a little bumpy however, we still managed to find amazing marine wildlife! We found ~50 long-beaked common dolphins located about ~3 miles offshore. We also spotted several species of seabirds such as western gulls, elegant terns and California brown pelicans.
We have another trip going out for sunset so please stay tuned!
Naturalist, Melissa