It was a windy one out there today! Our morning trip was a charter with an amazing group of kids from Julian Elementary. We got to hang out with about 300 really energetic long beaked common dolphins about 2 miles from shore. There were so many bow riding and surfing in our wake! Captain Bryan caught a glimpse of a spout just outside the dolphins and we came across a south bound gray whale. This one wasn’t a fluker but still gave us some great looks. Our afternoon trip set out to find more wildlife and we were not disappointed! We came across a different pod of about 200 long beaks about 3 miles straight west. We pushed out to the north and found 2 southbound gray whales! They were being kind of sporadic, popping up in different places and showing off their split diving skills, but we still got some great looks! One really loved showing us the underside of it’s tail fluke. We had a nice ride back in and we were welcomed at the mouth of the jetties by about 20 inshore bottlenose dolphins. We even got to see a couple babies!

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