We had a great day on the water! We had smooth seas and nice visibility! During our morning tour, we set out and found a feeding frenzy of birds diving in the water. We sighted a handful of Common dolphins out near the drop-off. Tons of By-the-wind-sailors were seen all around. During the afternoon trip, we set out to the NW, and found a nice pod of ~200 Long-beaked Common dolphins. We got some awesome looks as they cruised beside us. Out in deeper water, we sighted 7 Fin whales! There were 4 in one pod and 3 in another. They seemed to be socializing with each other! The pod of four, even passed by us in a follow-the-leader fashion! We got the best looks! On our sunset trip we saw multiple Mola molas feeding on Velella velellas and a fun pod of short-beaked common dolphins!

We had a great day!

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