We had an awesome day full of Gray whales and Common dolphins! During the morning trip, we set out and found ~250 Long-beaked Common dolphins! They were amazing! They were all around us, as they traveled to the NE. Cow/calf pairs were sighted next to the boat! The waters were so glassy and clear which made it easy to watch them playing down below the boat! Not too far from them, we observed a small pod of ~50 Short-beaked Common dolphins! They were mellow, but we still got see them breach and porpoise nearby. On our way back, we watched a single southbound Gray whale! During the afternoon tour, we cruised to the north and encountered a shy, southbound Gray whale. Out to the west, we found a trio of Gray whales! They were amazing! They rolled around at the surface. They were rolling around at the surface. We got to see their beautiful tails as they went down for dives.
The sea conditions and visibility were amazing!