June 20, 2023
The Pacific just keeps on giving! We feel so lucky to have so much life in our oceans!
Our first trip today, started our with a rare visit from a pod of about 30 bottlenose dolphins! They’re always a joy, showing endless interest and curiosity towards our boat! As we move foreword in the ocean, our boat creates a pressure wave that the dolphins get a speed boost from ( kinda like how you car hit a speed boost in Mario Cart) So thy have tons of fun and it’s even better for us to watch! We also were lucky enough to find a blue whale on this trip, we got some incredible looks at our favorite gentle giants! Our Second trip of the day had 5+ Blue whales which was pretty spectacular! We got good looks at most of them and the skies were SUPER clear today with tons of warm sun shinning through the oceans surface and reflecting that absolutely awe inspiring sapphire blue whale glow back at us! Usually, we see whales by their spouts first – but the glow was SO intense today that we actually spotted some of the whales before they even surfaced for a breath!
Now’s the right time to be out on the ocean! See you soon!