We had a great first trip this afternoon, getting to spend time with the largest animal on earth! We headed northwest and spotted two blue whales but got great looks at one of them. On our way back in encountered a pod of inshore bottlenose dolphins!

Sunset trips are always a favorite!
We headed out to the wild pacific to see what we could find and she did not disappoint! We were swiftly greeted by a friendly pod of off shore bottlenose that had a few ADORABLE little babies with them. We hung out with them for a while before heading out west to find the big ones! We spotted a blue whale right in the glare from the setting sun. It’s spout illuminated like a massive blast of gold dust into the sky! We were able to hang with it for a while, it even popped up JUST behind our vessel and gave everyone an up close and personal surprise! Some wispy clouds rolled in and provided a glorious 360 degree full sky sunset!

Ryan and Alison

217A1223 2 | San Diego Whale Watch 1 217A1296 2 | San Diego Whale Watch 3 217A1358 2 | San Diego Whale Watch 5 IMG 2828 2 | San Diego Whale Watch 7