Join our unforgettable Fin and Humpback Whale Watching tours!

It was an amazing day full of wildlife! We set out to the SW this morning and spotted some splashes only a few miles from shore! Long-beaked Common dolphins were feeding under diving birds. We loved to see them race straight to us to ride the bow and surf in our wake! We continued on toward the drop-off and noticed some spouts! We hung out with 2 Fin whales! They seemed to be circling the area and feeding. One of the Fin whales swam toward us and cruised along side our boat! It seemed to be checking us out! We got one more close-up look as one popped up beside us before we left the scene. More Common dolphins were sighted all around us. During the afternoon trip, we set out to the same area and sure enough we caught up with more Common dolphins. We were just about to get to the drop-off and sighted a spout right in front of us. It was a Humpback whale traveling south! We got great looks as it even showed its tail as it went down for a dive.

Our sunset trip was absolutely FIN-omenal! We travelled southwest and encountered a pod of ~200 long-beaked common dolphins. Shortly after we hung out with some bow-riders, we sighted several spouts off in the distance. We caught up with 5 fin whales in the general area! We got close up looks at 3 of the 5 fin whales. Then, on our way towards another spout in the distance we were escorted by another pod of ~150 long-beaked common dolphins. The cherry on top for today was a BREACHING humbpack whale! It was also pec-slapping and even lifted its flukes several times! We enjoyed a breathtakingly beautiful sunset on our way back to Quivera Basin. We hope to see you on the Ohana soon!

Vanessa & Melissa

Fin and Humpback Whale Watching
Experience the Wonder of Fin and Humpback Whale Watching! - November 25, 2023 18
217A9938 | San Diego Whale Watch 2
Experience the Wonder of Fin and Humpback Whale Watching! - November 25, 2023 19
217A0218 | San Diego Whale Watch 4
Experience the Wonder of Fin and Humpback Whale Watching! - November 25, 2023 20
217A0096 | San Diego Whale Watch 6
Experience the Wonder of Fin and Humpback Whale Watching! - November 25, 2023 21
217A0248 | San Diego Whale Watch 8
Experience the Wonder of Fin and Humpback Whale Watching! - November 25, 2023 22
DSC8829 | San Diego Whale Watch 10
Experience the Wonder of Fin and Humpback Whale Watching! - November 25, 2023 23
217A0532 | San Diego Whale Watch 12
Experience the Wonder of Fin and Humpback Whale Watching! - November 25, 2023 24
217A0490 | San Diego Whale Watch 14
Experience the Wonder of Fin and Humpback Whale Watching! - November 25, 2023 25
217A0372 | San Diego Whale Watch 16
Experience the Wonder of Fin and Humpback Whale Watching! - November 25, 2023 26