What do you call a whale who knows all the secrets of the sea?-A whale-informed individual! Today, we had such an action-packed day from start to FINish! The trip started off with us finding an awesome pod of ~5 inshore bottlenose dolphins just outside of the jetties!...
The whales are here! All sorts of them! Our afternoon trip was lucky to see a pair of grey whales on their migration south to Mexico from Alaska, Bering sea, & Chukchi Sea. This is the longest migration of any mammal, can range from 10,000 miles to 14,000 miles...
We had an amazing day on the water! We cruised out to the west and caught up with a Fin whale! We hung out with it about 8-miles from shore! It actually was trending toward the coast! It gave us the slip for the first few breath cycles, but on our final looks, we got...
Two FIN Tuesday! We had a fun day rolling around on the Pacific Ocean! It was a little rolly, but the dolphins seemed to enjoy them! We started the day out with a pod of ~9 Inshore Bottlenose dolphin! They were riding the waves in as we were headed out! We sighted a...
We had a Terrific Tuesday out on the Pacific Ocean! On our morning trip, we set out to the northwest and found 3 or 4 pods totaling ~400 Long-beaked Common dolphins! They were scattered all around us with a lot of little babies in the mix. We enjoyed watching them...
We had an action-packed day full of wildlife! FOUR species of Cetaceans were seen! On the morning tour, we set out to the west and once on the drop-off, we hung out with a pod of ~5 Offshore bottlenose dolphins! They cruised beside us as they traveled south. We...