We had some CURIOUS Blue whales today!

We cruised out to the west on our morning tour and found a small pod of ~50 Long-beaked Common dolphins traveling south! They were popping up all around us on both sides of the boat! We continued out and spotted a Blue whale circling around along the drop-off! We got amazing looks as on one of its cycles, it turned toward us and dove under our boat!

On the afternoon trip, we cruised out to the same zone, crossing our fingers for more activity! We found a pod of ~20 Long-beaked Common dolphins hanging out only 3-miles from shore. We pushed out to deeper water and spotted a huge pod of ~200 Short-beaked Common dolphins! Then to our surprise a Blue whale surfaced right behind the pod! We got amazing looks at the dolphins as they exhibited their aerial behaviors all around us! We caught up with the whale when more spouts appeared to the north of us! In total, we hung out with ~5 Blue whales, and 1 Fin whale! We also had an amazing encounter with a Blue whale that did the same thing, but we could see the BLUE GLOW and watched it sink below our boat and pop up on the other side!

We can’t wait to see what happens next on our sunset cruise!
