Experience an unforgettable Common Dolphin Watching Adventure!

We had a great afternoon trip with sightings of both Long-beaked and Short-beaked Common dolphins! We set out to the SW and found our first pod of ~100 Long-beaked Common dolphins traveling to the north. They were following the drop-off up the coast. As soon as they noticed us, they zoomed over to bow-ride and surf in our wake! We continued on to the west, and got to about ~1600 feet of water! Out there, we sighted a pod of ~200 Short-beaked Common dolphins! There were some high flyers! We watched as a select few launched out of the water even clearing the horizon! There were plenty of cow/calf pairs in the mix! We continued to the north and spotted a huge feeding frenzy! There were hundreds of birds diving into the water! Alongside was a pod of about 50 Long-beaked Common dolphins chasing bait! There was a leucistic Common dolphin sighted in the feeding frenzy. The conditions were super nice and calm. We had a smooth ride in.
