The MAGIC continues! One of those days that I wish we had more trips to run so that we could spend more time with these incredible animals! Only one trip today (you all need to book so we can spend more time out there 😅)but it was DREAMY, the conditions were stunning...
Once in a life time behaviors 6 TIMES ON ONE TRIP?Yup, that happened this afternoon! We headed straight for the drop off (our favorite wild life hotspot to start our search this time of year, it’s the edge off the continental shelf where the water goes from 350ft deep...
FOUR Humpbacks whales!!WOW what an afternoon on the Ohana! The action started nearby with the sighting of a huge feeding frenzy offshore. Shearwaters, pelicans, and gulls are were plunging into the depths to snag small fish from the circling bait ball. In the frenzy...
We’re goin on 4 days with Baleen whales now! Our morning trip has a sighting of the cutest little minke whale in perfect glassy conditions! It may have been small in size but not in spirit – it hung out with us for a while allowing us to get good looks on both...
THREE DAYS IN A ROW WITH BALEEN! The tides are a changin! We’re so happy to have some of our great whales back in nearby waters.We saw a massive feeding frenzy just off the drop off with hundreds of dolphins, sea lions and shearwaters all hunting baitfish on this...
HUMPBACKS TWO DAYS IN A ROW! It’s firing up here in San Diego! We spotted a huge MEGAPOD of Long-beaked Common dolphins racing to the north along the drop-off today. They were accompanied by California sea lions and hundreds of birds. We spotted a single Bryde’s whale...