What a day to be mugged! The excitement on the boat was VISCERAL as 4 humpbacks swam STRAIGHT at us! Two dove deep but two decided we (the whole boat) were the coolest coolest thing! We had the pair of humpbacks lingering beneath our boat as we floated with our motors off for a solid 20 minutes! They swam around and poked their heads up – spyhopping and getting good looks at us. The whales went people’s watching today!
The humpbacks were spotted in the midst of a mega pod of common dolphins! Dolphins were popping in to play with the whales intermittently.
We had to wait for the whales to get bored with us and swim away before turning our engines on – once they gave us some space we headed back to shore and encountered a super rare pod of Rissos dolphins! These nocturnal dolphins are always a treat to see mid day! Our sunset trip started and ended strong with bottlenose dolphins hanging out by the jetties welcoming us out to the pacific and back into Mission Bay. We travelled about 4 miles out of MB and caught up with a very timid gray whale. We got a couple good looks but it was sitting very close to the coast and wasn’t super surface active. We got to see a small part of its tail fluke as we went on our way.
Hope you’ll come join us soon!
Alison & Brooke