Even the whales came to party in San Diego for the Holiday weekend!AND PARTY HARD! A misty and nautical morning quickly turned into the trip of a life time! We have a Juvenile humpback whale that would breach after EVERY dive! I’m not sure how many breaches we saw but...
Even the whales came to party in San Diego for the Holiday weekend!AND PARTY HARD! A misty and nautical morning quickly turned into the trip of a life time! We have a Juvenile humpback whale that would breach after EVERY dive! I’m not sure how many breaches we saw but...
Our guests got lucky today with a diving blue whale UNDER OUR BOAT! We began our morning tour with a fun and active group of Long-beaked Common Dolphins feeding just offshore Mission Bay. In the mix were some hungry sea lions trying to hop in on the frenzy. As we...
Thursday, May 23, 2024 The Blue whales are here in FULL FORCE! We had two amazing trips with 23+ Blue whales sighted so far! We began our morning trip with a couple of Inshore bottlenose dolphins crossing the Mission Bay jetties. We set out to the west and found ~50...
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 We had an amazing morning with more than TEN Blue whales sighted about 10-miles from shore! We left the Mission Bay jetties and cruised out to the drop-off and that’s when we started to see spouts out in the distance. The spouts were all...
Sunday FINday on the Privateer! Our Pacific Ocean is so abundant with wildlife! We had beautiful blue skies, blue water and the best of all BLUE WHALES all day today! During our morning trip we first encountered a Gray whale in Mission Bay on our way out of the...