These whale puns are krilling me softly. But in all seriousness, why don’t blue whales make good comedians? – Because their jokes are too deep! On our morning trip, we were on the Ohana and travelled out west and encountered a pod of ~100 long-beaked common...
With June rolling in it seems like summer is already here! We were blessed with blue skies and some much needed warmth. Some summer favorites have finally returned to our waters, we’ve had such vibrant pods of dolphins EVERYWHERE! We had both long beaked and short...
June Gloom or June Bloom? Our Pacific Ocean is positively blooming with such an abundance of wildlife! Straight out of the jetties we encountered a massive bird pile. Then, we headed up north towards La Jolla and encountered ~150 long-beaked common dolphins. They...
We had an action-packed day full of wildlife! We sighted Blue whales, Minke whales, Bottlenose and Common dolphins! On our morning tour, we set out to ward the NW and spotted a pod of ~100 Long-beaked Common dolphins traveling fast to the south! They surrounded our...
We had an action-packed day full of wildlife! We sighted Blue whales, Minke whales, Bottlenose and Common dolphins! On our morning tour, we set out to ward the NW and spotted a pod of ~100 Long-beaked Common dolphins traveling fast to the south! They surrounded our...
Whale, whale, whale, we had another successful day on the water! We encountered whales and dolphins on both of our morning and afternoon trips! We also had a rare bird sighting of a yellow-crowned night heron. During our morning trip, it seemed as though the ocean was...