The whale watching is ON FIRE OUT HERE!!!!! Serial breaching humpbacks are what everyone dreams of seeing when they head out on a whale watching trip! There’s NOTHING like watching an 80,000lb animal launch its ENTIRE body out of the ocean over and over again! ( check...
Friday, October 25, 2024We had a whale of a day on the Ohana!We set out to the west and spotted two Humpbacks! They were traveling slowly to the south in only ~250-ft of water! We got amazing looks as they were up for 3-4 breaths with 7-min dive times! We were lucky...
The MAGIC continues! One of those days that I wish we had more trips to run so that we could spend more time with these incredible animals! Only one trip today (you all need to book so we can spend more time out there 😅)but it was DREAMY, the conditions were stunning...
Once in a life time behaviors 6 TIMES ON ONE TRIP?Yup, that happened this afternoon! We headed straight for the drop off (our favorite wild life hotspot to start our search this time of year, it’s the edge off the continental shelf where the water goes from 350ft deep...
Whale, whale, whale, we found SIX humpback whales today located about ~6 miles offshore! We started seeing some splashes and then a MASSSIVE BREACH off of our bow! We got closer to the area and noticed multiple spouts! We think the group of humpbacks could have been a...
FOUR Humpbacks whales!!WOW what an afternoon on the Ohana! The action started nearby with the sighting of a huge feeding frenzy offshore. Shearwaters, pelicans, and gulls are were plunging into the depths to snag small fish from the circling bait ball. In the frenzy...