We found a little Gray whale in Mission Bay AND Five Blue whales close to the coast! We left the Quivira Basin and observed the Gray circling the area off of Mariner’s Point, if you go now, you could probably still spot it! You’ll find other observers on the rocks! We...
It was blue whale soup out there!! We had an amazing trip today, seeing at least 8 blue whales and multiple tails! We also saw 200 long beaked common dolphins, as well as 100+ short beaked common dolphins. Beautiful weather, calm seas, and wildlife all around made for...
During the morning trip, we left the Mission Bay jetties and a pod of ~50 Long-beaked Common dolphins were feeding under some diving birds. We noticed there were a lot of cow/calf pairs in the mix. We continued out to deeper water, picked up a few Mylar balloons and...
Do you have a bad case of the Monday’s blues today? Whale, let’s fix that with some brilliant BLUE WHALES! We scored again today! Our trip started off with a handful of long-beaked common dolphins just outside of Mission Beach jetty. A few miles later we encountered...
We had a SUPER Cetacean Saturday! We spent time with MULTIPLE Blue whales and Fin whales on both trip so far today! On the morning tour we were playing Whale Poker and had encountered 3 Blue whales and 2 Fin whales! They were hanging out in about 1300-ft of water! We...
Won’t you take me to finky town? Won’t you take me to finky town? We had a once in a lifetime experience today with a Cow and Calf pair of FIN Whales! They mugged the boat as they crossed our stern and even circled our vessel a couple of times, getting wonderful looks...